To promote and encourage the reading of sound, good, & edifying books

Thursday, 25 November 2010

 For the Month of December, 2010 

Free Bible to residents living the New Forest, Hampshire. (UK)

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Brown's Dictionary of Bible Characters Ed Stonier
John Brown was born in 1722, and, by the will of God became an eminent Bible theologian. His Dictionary is Christ centred, and covers practically everything, making it useful for gospel preachers.

From this Dictionary, Geoffrey Stonier, (International Director of Preacher's Help), has extracted the most significant Bible names, to produce this helpful volume. After a comprehensive memoir, (43 pages long, by John Brown's grandson), Mr. Stonier begins with Aaron and ends with Zuph.

Hundreds of Bible names are helpfully arranged in alphabetical order, and once we start to dig into these pages, they will light up with spark and fire. Names perhaps previously skimmed over begin to develop special spiritual relevance.

John Brown's Dictionary demonstrates to us that we can so easily miss priceless information which could make our knowledge of God's grace in redemption so much the more vibrant.The volume ends with a helpful index of some sixty three authors quoted in Brown's Dictionary.

Publisher: Christian Focus Publications (March 2009)

ISBN-10: 1845502663

ISBN-13: 978-1845502663

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

New Arrival

The Sound hearted Christian
William Greenhill

For more details click on following link:
Heritage Books. Joel Beeke

Publisher's Description: Nearing the end of his life and ministry, William Greenhill left his congregation a parting gift and lasting testimony of his pastoral care for their souls—he published The Sound-Hearted Christian. This book developed from a series of sermons Greenhill preached on Psalm 119:18, “Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.” Greenhill shows that a sound heart is watchful and attentive, recognizing that our soul is our greatest possession. After demonstrating the excellence and desirability of a sound heart, he challenges us to test the soundness of our heart. He then directs and motivates us to get and keep a sound heart. The book ends with several appended sermons on faith, Christ, and God’s Word, which serve as further encouragements to establishing and maintaining a sound heart.

"Greenhill’s exposition of sound-heartedness is superlative. His chapters on how to keep and retain a sound heart are themselves worth the price of the book. The five additional sermons included in this volume are incredibly rich and clear in content, and help promote sound-hearted Christian living. Taken together, The Sound-Hearted Christian and these appended sermons form an outstanding, practical summary of how to live coram Deo (in the presence of God) from the inside out. If you are a Christian who yearns to walk before God with biblical, Christ-centered, spiritual vitality and practical reality, I know of no book more valuable than this one."

Joel Beeke
Walking as he Walked
Joel R. Beeke
Reformation Heritage Books and Bryntirion Press, 133 pages.

Here are four excellent sermons preached by Dr. Beeke at the Aberystwyth Conference in 2006 under the title, “Walking as He Walked”. There is also a helpful Study Guide after the sermons. Pastor Geoffrey Thomas in his introduction to the book says, “Dr. Beeke is in a class of his own when it comes to exegetical and expository preaching. He never disappoints. He is always fresh, illuminative, and instructive”. To this assessment we would concur.

The theme “Walking as He Walked” is drawn from 1 John 2:6, which reminds us that those who abide in Christ should “walk, even as He walked”.

Dr. Beeke quotes the Puritan William Fenner, “None of us in this life will walk so purely, so unspottedly, so steadily, so effectively as Christ walked, although this is our goal while running the Christian race”. How adequately this sums up our daily walk as Christians.

In these sermons we are shown how we can be more conformed to the image of Christ in four of the most difficult areas of the Christian life: cross bearing, office bearing, sorrow, and endurance.

In the first sermon on “Cross Bearing”, Dr. Beeke considers, from Mark 15:24 and Luke 23:26, how Simon of Cyrene carried the cross of Jesus before the crucifixion. We are shown Simon as a cursed, coerced, and conquered cross bearer.

We are reminded of Charles Simeon, preacher at Holy Trinity, Cambridge for fifty four years, who had been feeling very discouraged for some time in 1796. He had felt “persecuted on all sides”, and had asked, “What is the point of going on?” He wanted to resign his position, but then, he read Mark 15:21, “Simon bore his cross after Jesus”, and so Charles Simeon continued on in his ministry at Holy Trinity.

We are called upon to bear our cross, willingly without complaining, and without shame. We are to keep our eyes on Christ, and on the joyful promise of His reward, the crown of life.

Bearing our cross as “Office Bearers” is the theme of the second sermon. We are referred to Luke 22:31-32, where we read of the sifting of Simon Peter by Satan. We who are leaders in the Lord`s work are encouraged by Dr. Beeke to daily flee to Christ, and to defy Satan, remembering Romans 16:10, “the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all”.

The third sermon concerns “Sorrow”, and we are asked to consider the Saviour`s “tears” from John 11:35 at Bethany, Luke 19:41 at Jerusalem, and Hebrews 5:7 at Gethsemane. Allow me to quote Dr. Beeke, “What about your tears; are they motivated by sympathy for those in need? Are you truly touched by their circumstances? Does your heart go out to the mourning, the needy, the handicapped, and the lost? Do you have a big evangelistic heart? Are you walking as Jesus walked?

The last sermon concerns “Endurance”. We are shown from Hebrews 12:1-3 how to endure as a Christian. We are reminded that in the letter to the Hebrews there are ninety six references to “endurance”. The Christian life is like a race, we must lay aside every weight that might hinder us in our spiritual progress, upon which Dr. Beeke quotes Dr. Ollyott, who says, “For some of you this will mean cancelling your subscription to the internet, getting rid of your TV, not reading certain books and magazines. For others it may mean giving up football, or some other sport. It is SIN that is the great enemy in the Christian race!”

It is to be noted that each sermon includes an invitation to the unsaved to follow in the Saviour`s steps.

May I add a personal note of delight to see the Scripture references in this new book taken from the Authorised King James Version (1611) especially on the eve its four hundredth anniversary.

As the Rev. Maurice Roberts observes, “we are encouraged to gird up our loins, take up His cross, and press on through the thorns, until we come into His glorious presence above: no cross, no crown”.

May the love of Christ constrain us to follow in the Master`s footsteps until we see His blessed face.

Gary A Jerrard

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Catch the Vision.

Catch the Vision, written by the Rev John J Murray traces the Reformed Recovery, back in the mid 20th Century. After the 'Downgrade Controversy' and later the death of C H Spurgeon, things continued to deteriorate through the dangerous and harmful teaching of liberal scholars, and through the unfaithfulness of many pulpits. However, God in a gracious way, and mercifully in His Providence, raised up a group of faithful leaders and a subsequent Reformed Recovery took place. Notable names such as; J. Gresham Machen, E J Poole Connor, W. J Grier, Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Iain Murray, and Professor John Murray were in their turn were used mightily by God. From a number of pulpits the refreshing sound of God glorifying and experimental preaching was heard. The Evangelical Library appeared on the scene in London, and the Banner of Truth Trust came into being on July 22nd 1957. As a result, there appeared numerous, sound, evangelical and Reformed books. Many of the Puritans Works were reprinted, and in turn found their way into the homes and hearts of many Christians. God was at work in a remarkable way.

The author John J Murray, came to love the Reformed faith and was also influentially used by God, as he still is today; being a faithful ambassador for the Reformed Faith. We are grateful for his input, and also for this valuable book, tracing the roots of the Reformed recovery.

In the final chapter of the book he points to number of developments, which, as he sees it, were partly to blame for why the vision began to falter. From this, as he rightly identifies, lessons can be learnt in our present day.

We are thankful for this helpful insight, by one who had a clear knowledge of the day, seeing for himself many of the events that arose. May we, as we read of what happened in the middle of the last century, pray that God would in a wonderful way, work again mightily in our midst.

Aaron J Lewis July 2010

Friday, 25 June 2010

The Psalms of David in metre

Listen to some Psalm singing

Thankfully, for which we give God the praise, there has been in England a growing interest in what was once a widespread practice, the singing of Psalms in the public worship of God. Sadly however, the Psalms, or the 'Book of Praises', which without question is God's inspired hymnbook, continues to be rejected by many a minister and local congregation, this I believe, is to be greatly lamented.

May I, in a loving and compassionate way remind those who continue to reject the singing of Psalms of three important facts. Firstly, Christ whilst here upon earth, delighted in and sung exclusively from the Psalms; as did His disciples and the early church. Secondly, the Psalms, as being God's hymnbook, will never be surpassed by any other. And then thirdly, the acceptance of it by God as worthy praise, cannot be questioned.

We have witnessed in recent decades a downgrade in public worship on an immense scale, things are not what they used to be, a recovery is so vital. Now, I believe in the road to recovery God's hymnbook must be introduced in those Churches where it is absent, for in worship, there must be, as the Lord has abundantly made plain in Scripture, the singing of Psalms.

Over recent years, the Trinitarian Bible Society has republished the Psalms of David in Metre in two quality editions. The large print edition, ideal for local congregations, is excellent edition, not only for the young but also for the elderly. The small pocket size edition is ideal for taking whilst travelling. Both come at a very reasonable price, making it much more affordable to local churches and individual believers compared with that of other hymnbooks.

May I, as one who has come to understand not only the Biblical warrant for, but also the blessing of Psalm singing, heartily recommend these Psalter's.

May there in days to come, be an even greater awareness of the singing of Psalms, and may the Psalms again have there rightful place in the worship of God.

Aaron J Lewis. June 2010

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Letters of Samuel Rutherford

The letters of Samuel Rutherford have for long been the constant companion of the most devout minds. Therein we have a treasure, for they are an extolling of the virtues of Christ, and record of “love banquets with my royal, high, and princely King Jesus”. Yes, the glorious greatness of Emmanuel is his constant theme. His heart is full of Christ, and “out of the abundance of his heart, his mouth speaketh”. While love to God was the ruling affection of his heart, love to man breathes from every page of his spiritual letters.
In a short review only one example may be given. It is in a letter to John Gordon at Rusco, “Remember, many go far on and reform many things, and can find tears, as Esau did; and suffer hunger for truth, as Judas did; and desire the end of the righteous as Balaam did; and fight for the Lord, as Saul did; and desire the saints to pray for them, as Pharoah did; and prophesy of Christ, as Caiaphas did; and fear God`s judgements, as Ahab did; and put away idolatry, as Jehu did; and hear the Word of God gladly, as Herod did; and offer to follow Christ, as the servant did, (Matthew 8:19). “And yet”, Rutherford says, “all these are but like gold in colour only”.

“But let us try ourselves, and not rest till we be a step nearer to Christ. I commend Christ and His love to you in all things. Let Him have the flower of your heart and love”.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism Explained by James Fisher

Nothing tends to the spiritual advantage and well-being of the Church than sound Scriptural standards of doctrine, worship and government, because, as they are a strong bulwark against contrary errors and opinions, so they tend to preserve Truth in its purity. We heartily commend the Exposition of the Shorter Catechism, and pray that it may continue to be blessed of God for the edification of souls in these degenerate days.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

The Happiness of Heaven

Heaven is the desired haven that the believer longs for. After the storms of life have ceased, the believer after death in that wonderful place, with their Lord and Saviour, will enjoy uninterrupted joy and pleasures. The Rev Maurice Roberts in this book, clearly and pastorally gives us a further insight into this wonderful place; which is, dear brethren, our long home! May the Lord's people, through reading this book, be stirred up to greater heavenly mindedness which is so needful today.

"I have seldom heard a minister preach with more relish, glow, and frequency about heaven than Rev. Maurice Roberts. In The Happiness of Heaven, Roberts shows that same giftedness in writing about the glorious state of eternal bliss. He writes with warmth, conviction, and longing, while not fearing to address biblically the difficult questions in masterful chapters such as ‘Children and Heaven’ and ‘The Dark Side of Heaven.’ This is one of the author’s best books yet. If you’re a believer, it will move you deeply and make you more homesick. Read it repeatedly to lift your soul up above the sin and mundane trivialities of this world and to set your affections on the Triune God and things above."
- Joel Beeke
Heirs with Christ

The Puritans on Adoption by Joel Beeke
We can do no better than to begin this recommendation of Heirs with Christ with Mr. Beeke`s quotation from Thomas Watson, the Puritan, in his Body of Divinity, “We have enough in us to move God to correct us, but nothing to move Him to adopt us, therefore exalt free grace, begin the work of angels here; bless Him with your praises who hath blessed you His sons and daughters”. A glance at the comprehensive bibliography at the end of the book reveals the extent of interest that there has been, and still is, in this doctrine of Adoption.This is what Samuel Willard (1684) says on this subject, “God did not adopt us because we were lovely, but that we might be so. God saw as much beauty in others as in us, and that was none at all! And hence, that He should adopt us at all is a demonstration of His inconceivable grace!”

Dr. Beeke, after distinguishing between human and divine adoption, ably summarises the privileges and benefits of Adoption into God's family: as a Father, 1. God cuts us off from the family to which we naturally belong in Adam as children of wrath and of the devil, and He engrafts us into His own family to make us members of the covenant family of God. 2. He gives us freedom to call on Him by name and gives us a new name, 2 Chron. 7:14. 3. He gifts us with the Spirit of Adoption. 4. He grants us likeness to Himself and to His Son. 5. He strengthens our faith through His gifts of promises and prayer. 6. He corrects and chastens us for our sanctification, Hebrews 12:6. 7. He comforts us with His love and pity. 8. He counsels and directs us. 9. He offers us spiritual, Christian liberty as His sons and daughters, John 8:36. 10. He preserves us and keeps us from falling, 1 Peter 1:5. 11. He provides everything that we need as His children, both physically and spiritually, Psalm 34:10. 12. He gives His angels, as ministering spirits, to serve us for good, Psalm 34:7. 13. He makes death a narrow gate to lead us into everlasting life in heaven. The Church today would richly benefit from this exposure of Puritan teaching on the biblical doctrine of Adoption. Therefore, we highly commend Dr. Beeke's book to old and young alike.

Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books (2008)

ISBN-10: 1601780400

ISBN-13: 978-1601780409
Affirmation 2010

As evangelical and reformed believers, we share core beliefs and convictions, which are at the heart of our fellowship and co-operation. Many of these are being challenged and rejected in these apostate days.

For the last two years, the Trustees of the Bible League have been working on a document that seeks to state and define the biblical doctrines and practices particularly under attack at the present time. Originally the vision of Malcolm Watts who produced the initial draft, others have contributed various suggestions for the final form of this Affirmation. Consultation was also made with brethren in various church bodies and constituencies, whose suggestions have strengthened the document and ensured the widest possible agreement among us.

The Affirmation has been signed by twenty-five brethren, the majority of them ministers in Baptist, Congregational, Independent, and Presbyterian churches. Three major conferences in the UK have also identified with this document. It is therefore inclusive in the best sense, but also exclusive, because it also states what we do not believe, and what we deplore as departures from Holy Scripture.

It is now published in the form of a booklet of 30 pages and is available to interested friends. We strongly commend this Affirmation and urge them to obtain a copy and unite with us around this statement of belief and practice.

In addition, on its web site ( there is a facility to sign up to the Affirmation and thus identify with its aims. If you find yourselves in full agreement with the Affirmation, please sign up by clicking on the word "Signatories".  This will show your support for the document and it will also be an encouragement to other believers.

The times demand that we state exactly where we stand on matters of faith and conduct that are everywhere under attack. Uniting on these verities will strengthen our hand in God, and encourage others to join us in making a response to the desperate decline and departure that is gathering speed in our day.

The words of Martin Luther give the spirit of the Affirmation 2010:
“If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are attacking at that moment, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all battlefields besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”

Here is the Preface to the Affirmation, which further explains its purpose and calls us to stand for God and Truth in our generation:

“In view of the present violent opposition from the adversary of God and man, and the evident confusion and grave departure from Biblical Truth in the professing Church, we believe it was laid upon us to make solemn affirmation of the doctrine we seek firmly to believe and strenuously to maintain. It is understood that this Affirmation does not cover every tenet of the Faith once delivered to us, but statement is herein made, and emphasis given, to the doctrine particularly assailed at the present time. Aware, as we certainly are, of our own great weakness, and depending as always upon the support and strength of our faithful God, we unitedly make solemn and public testimony to vitally important truth, while at the same time firmly rejecting the errors and novelties which are contrary to them. We call upon all who love the Truth to join with us in making this formal affirmation of Faith, and we pray God to use it to the overthrow of false doctrine and practice.”

“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington

The Systematic Theology of John Brown of Haddington

We are always greatly blessed through the writings of Rev. John Brown, especially his Dictionary of the Holy Bible. His Systematic Theology is no exception. This work was printed in 1782 at the request of theological students. It offers Biblical focus, exegetical insights, a covenantal theme, experiential depth and compelling applications. Brown’s great aim was to cultivate love for Christ in the soul of the believer. For all who desire a systematic study of God’s Word, we commend this excellent book to you.

Publisher: Christian Focus (June 2002)

ISBN-10: 1892777665

ISBN-13: 978-1892777669

Meet the Puritans

“Meet the Puritans” is a remarkable portrait gallery
and a wonderful library of biographies. It is a
reader's guide to great Christian literature and a
record of an international movement of the Spirit.
It is also a personal tutorial in Puritan history, and

The revival in interest and commitment to the truths
of Reformed Theology over the last fifty years is
due largely to the rediscovery of Puritan literature.
“Meet the Puritans” introduces the leading figures
of the Puritan movement in England, Scotland,
Holland and America, with brief biographies and
extracts from their works. All that you ever needed
to know about the Puritans and Puritanism has come
from the pens of these two distinguished scholars,
Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson, who have given
their lives to making the Puritan men and their
works known and accessible to this present
generation. Their work has been painstaking,
thorough and comprehensive – a splendid

Meet the Puritans
by Joel Beeke & Randall Pederson
Ibsley Christian Bookshelf

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Providence Handled Practically
Introduced and edited by Joel R. Beeke and Matthew Winzer

Obediah Sedgeick in this brief but valuable book opens up the subject of Divine Providence, showing to us the right and godly response to it. The first two chapters deals with the subject of God's general providence over all creation, His church and His people. He then from chapter three makes some useful applications. 1) Learn to depend on Providence of God , 2) learn not to vex your mind, 3) Wait upon Providence, and finally 4) Be content. In conclusion he write concerning comfort and duty for the people of God. With regards to the former he begins, “Since there is a special Providence actively and effectually laying out itself in a special way for the good of the church, then this may be as a rock for the church, on which it may rest itself in all the varieties and difficulties of its militant estate and condition” And then in “Regarding duty,” he writes, “there are several things which concern the church, especially when the enemies attack, and she seems to be desolate, oppresses, and it seems that God does not go forth with her armies, He then gives three pressing duties 1. The church must reform, 2)The church must also put itself upon this singular Providence by fervent and humble prayer, 3) Engage this singular Providence for you by your trust in God.

This excellent and timely reprint, for which we are grateful is worth its money and will be enjoyed by those who love sound doctrine and believe in experimental Christianity.