Catch the Vision, written by the Rev John J Murray traces the Reformed Recovery, back in the mid 20th Century. After the 'Downgrade Controversy' and later the death of C H Spurgeon, things continued to deteriorate through the dangerous and harmful teaching of liberal scholars, and through the unfaithfulness of many pulpits. However, God in a gracious way, and mercifully in His Providence, raised up a group of faithful leaders and a subsequent Reformed Recovery took place. Notable names such as; J. Gresham Machen, E J Poole Connor, W. J Grier, Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Iain Murray, and Professor John Murray were in their turn were used mightily by God. From a number of pulpits the refreshing sound of God glorifying and experimental preaching was heard. The Evangelical Library appeared on the scene in London, and the Banner of Truth Trust came into being on July 22nd 1957. As a result, there appeared numerous, sound, evangelical and Reformed books. Many of the Puritans Works were reprinted, and in turn found their way into the homes and hearts of many Christians. God was at work in a remarkable way.
The author John J Murray, came to love the Reformed faith and was also influentially used by God, as he still is today; being a faithful ambassador for the Reformed Faith. We are grateful for his input, and also for this valuable book, tracing the roots of the Reformed recovery.
In the final chapter of the book he points to number of developments, which, as he sees it, were partly to blame for why the vision began to falter. From this, as he rightly identifies, lessons can be learnt in our present day.
We are thankful for this helpful insight, by one who had a clear knowledge of the day, seeing for himself many of the events that arose. May we, as we read of what happened in the middle of the last century, pray that God would in a wonderful way, work again mightily in our midst.
Aaron J Lewis July 2010