“Meet the Puritans” is a remarkable portrait gallery
and a wonderful library of biographies. It is a
reader's guide to great Christian literature and a
record of an international movement of the Spirit.
It is also a personal tutorial in Puritan history, and
The revival in interest and commitment to the truths
of Reformed Theology over the last fifty years is
due largely to the rediscovery of Puritan literature.
“Meet the Puritans” introduces the leading figures
of the Puritan movement in England, Scotland,
Holland and America, with brief biographies and
extracts from their works. All that you ever needed
to know about the Puritans and Puritanism has come
from the pens of these two distinguished scholars,
Joel Beeke and Randall Pederson, who have given
their lives to making the Puritan men and their
works known and accessible to this present
generation. Their work has been painstaking,
thorough and comprehensive – a splendid
Meet the Puritans
by Joel Beeke & Randall Pederson
Ibsley Christian Bookshelf